Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Virgin Mary "Madonna of the Streets" Charm Bracelet

Mary, I beg you, by that grace through which the Lord is with you and you will to be with him, let your mercy be with me. Let love for you always be with me, and the care for me be always with you. Let the cry of my need, as long as it persists, be with you, and the care of your goodness, as long as I need it, be with me. Let joy in your blessedness be always with me, and compassion for my wretchedness, where I need it, be with you. I was able to create this bracelet in honor to Our Blessed Mother with a beautiful blue 3D cameo surrounded by blue roses and lucite trumpet flowers. I added a unique figural medal of Virgin Mary praying, aa figural image medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother Theresa and other Catholic medals.

Rose: The rose is regarded as the "queen of flowers", and often symbolizes Mary, the Queen of Heaven. Also an almost universal symbol of perfect love, its color, perfection of form, and fragrance, as well as its thorns signifies Mary's role in salvation history as the Mother of God the Savior who was crowned with thorns and shed His blood on the Cross for love of mankind. The rose, arising from a thorny bush, also signifies Mary, the Mystical Rose.

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