Monday, August 16, 2010

Jesus Relic, Reliquary Locket Religious Medal Necklace

I compassionate thee, O most sorrowful Mother!  Thy heart was pierced with a sword of grief  when Simeon foretold to thee in the Temple  the ignominious death and the desolation of thy Divine and most dear Son,  which thou west destined one day to witness.  By the great anguish of thy suffering heart,  O gracious Queen of the universe,  impress upon my mind,  in life and in death,  the sacred Passion of Jesus and shine own sorrows.  Amen.
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

I created another special and meaningful necklace with a special Jesus relic that has been touched to the Holy Shroud of Oviedo, Head Veil of Christ .

I added the relic medal inside locket and adorned it with clear rhinestones and added a beautiful vintage picture of Child Jesus and a piece of a broken vintage rosary.

Outside locket I added a 3D resin cameo of Our Lady of Sorrows adorning it with rhinestones.

This is another bold statement of faith.

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