Sunday, November 8, 2009

Patronage: Abuse victims, loneliness, sterility, bodily ills, desperate causes, difficult marriages, Philippines, forgotten causes, impossible causes, infertility, lost causes, parenthood, sick people, victims of physical spouse abuse, widows, wounds

Prayer to Saint Rita

Dear Rita, model Wife and Widow, you yourself suffered in a long illness showing patience out of love for God. Teach us to pray as you did. Many invoke you for help, full of confidence in your intercession. Deign to come now to our aid for the relief and cure of {name of sufferer}. To God, all things are possible; may this healing give glory to the Lord. Amen

I was inspired to create a St. Rita bracelet in a colorful way that is why I added so many glass lampwork colorful beads. I also added a clear glass butterfly holding her relic.

I included a large medal of Our Lady of Highway. Other Catholic medals are St. Therese, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ann, Infant of Prague and others.

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