Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sacred Heart of Jesus Charm Bracelet

I created this bracelet to honor Our most faithful and loving Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I found this beautiful vintage cameo, made in Germany, of Sacred Heart of Jesus, I added some handcrafted angels made with Ruby quartz beads. I also added more vintage German medals and brass Czech. medal.

My experience with Our most loving Sacred Heart of Jesus was when I was 19 yrs old, yes, it has been a while and I still remember as it was yesterday. I had been going through a difficult time in my life, I had just lost my father and also had been married for only one year and raising our first baby, had been a difficult time for me and I was crying in my room for the death of my father when I found myself in this room and in front of me, there was Jesus with His white robe and a white glow around Him, He took His hand and placed it on his body where His heart was and all of the sudden a heart appeared on His hand, and this heart was pulsating. I could see it perfectly and hear the beating. He approached me and told me that no matter what my problems were in life, He will make them better and that He endured all the pain for me and all of us and to trust Him and lay all my burdens on His heart and that every time I come across a problem or are feeling down, just think of His heart and lay my problem and sadness in His heart and I will find His heart everywhere as a reminder of Him.

Up to this date, if I am going thru a difficult time, I find a heart, not man made hearts, this can be, a rubber band shape of a heart, a leaf, even garden rocks. My last one was when my mother passed, I was in the garden and I found a large rock shape like a heart and it always bring me peace and hope.

I hope that by sharing my experience makes you feel that He will always be with you and leave your burdens in His heart.

1 comment:

CaZp said...

Hola, te dejo mi comentario en español porque mi ingles no es tan bueno como para expresar lo que quiero
Tienes en el portal una imagen que me acompaño desde mi infancia, la del angelito de la ilustración del post. Es una historia familiar muy intensa
Tengo tambien muchas imágenes similares a las que subes en tus entradas, mi madre las guardaba con mucho cariño
Ha sido para mi un impacto emocional encontrar tu blog