Sunday, March 4, 2012

St. Philomena

PATRONAGE: babies,children, children of Mary, desperate causes, forgotten causes, impossible causes, infants, infertility, lost causes, Living Rosary, newborns, poor people, priests, sick people, sickness, sterility, toddlers, young people, youth.

Sometimes in life we come across special people online that Our Lord and Blessed Mother makes it possible to meet and be a part of something so special in your life.

This is the case of Mrs. Lidia from Mexico.  She first contacted me because she loved my jewelry and wanted several pieces made and she also commented on my experiences I have shared in my blog as well as in my store and was very touched by them and she also shared some of her experiences and they brought me tears to read some of her beautiful experiences, including tears from an image of Our Blessed Mother, glitter after praying the rosary in her home and many other beautiful experiences with roses.  She also informed me that she is in possession of a First Class Relic of St. Philomena which is a piece of her hair and she is the coordinator for Misión Por el Amor de Dios en Todo el Mundo  Translation "For the Love of God Worldwide" with Founder John Rick Miller, this is their Facebook page For The Love of God Worldwide and she has many accounts of miracles attributed to St. Philomena.  This mission is to spread God's Love and she alsotravels all over the world spreading the devotion to St. Philomena and I have been so blessed to have received a piece of red fabric touched to the First Class Relic of St. Philomena, making it a third class relic.  She wants me to use a large part of this fabric to touch my jewelry and continue with the devotion to St. Philomena and use pieces for others that would like a piece.  She also sent me several medals of St. Philomena that I will be using in my bracelets

I feel so honored that I cannot describe or express with words how Blessed I feel and this great mission to continue with the devotion to St. Philomena.  I've had some experiences when I'm working with a St. Philomena relic on one of my bracelets, but now I feel so much closer and the love stronger.

I thank you Lord and Blessed Mother for entrusting in me such privilege.


marie said...

Hello of lety I like very much the story of meeting and too, somebody whom I met thanks to the providence offered me saint Philomène's book I think that your story is a small wink for me of the god
bless you
marielee soon

Angelos said...

Thank you Marie for reading my post and sharing. God Bless