Wednesday, June 4, 2008

St. Peregrine Relic Charm Bracelet


A victim of a spreading cancer in his foot, Peregrine was scheduled for an amputation. The night before the operation, he spent in prayer; that night received a vision of Christ who healed him with a touch. The next morning, Peregrine found his cancer completely healed.

Cancer is a terrible illness that affects most of us in our lifetime, but with God's grace and the intercession of St. Peregrine may God grant you or your love one healing.

I created this bracelet with St. Peregrine's relic medal, I added pink ribbon beads, faith charm, other patron saint medals, lampwork beads and feminine charms like purse, shoes.

Prayer to Saint Peregrine
O glorious wonder worker, Saint Peregrine, you who answered the divine call with a ready spirit, forsaking all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honors of the world, to dedicate yourself to God in the Order of His most Holy Mother; you who labored manfully for the salvation of souls, merting the title Apostle of Emilia; you who in union with Jesus crucified, endured the most painful sufferings with such patience so as to deserve to be miraculously healed from an incurable wound in your leg by Him with a touch of His divine hand: obtain for us, we pray, the grace to answer every call from God; enkindle in our hearts a consuming zeal for the salvation of souls; deliver us from the infirmities that so often afflict our bodies; and obtain for us the grace of perfect resignation to the sufferings which may be sent to us; so may we, imitating your virtues and tenderly loving our crucified Lord and his sorrowful Mother, be enabled to merit glory everlasting in paradise. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

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