Friday, November 17, 2017

Are Holy Angels present in Holy Mass?

I always believed they are and on Sunday I had the most beautiful experience at Holy Mass. I attended a different Church yesterday, Santa Cruz Church, and I always like to go earlier to sit and just be in prayer and for some reason no people sat on the pew I was on nor in the one in front of me nor the two behind me, and Church was full, that is why I thought there must be a reason.

I felt the presence of Our Lord and in my mind's eyes, I had my eyes closed, I could see His flaming Heart and I was just in tune to Him.

When it was time to pray Our Father, I always close my eyes in prayer to see with my mind's eye and all of the sudden a large radiant sphere of white light came down and I could see it in front of me and all of the sudden it formed a beautiful angel kneeling in prayer radiating pure white light and I could feel their presence all around and at that moment I understood that must of been the reason there were no people sitting on those pews in order for them to manifest and joining us in prayer to Our Lord.
It was an amazing experience that my tears just rolled down and I could not contain my tears of excitement of that beautiful sight.

Even though I have experienced seen angels before, yesterday's experience was special because of Their reverence in prayer.

So remember they are always with us even we don't see them

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